Stuck on three.
21a sounding disapproving meeting royal oaf. ?o?r
27a saying April's ending us madness m?n??
23d hypocritical talk about an insect. C??t. Help appreciated...
Stuck on three. 20a. High rim forming a barrier ??d?? 15d.extract from notes last part t?n??. I did have tesla but it doesn't fit with 17a now! 16d material about a couple of classes c?e?? Help...
Stuck on 4. 21d August day post midnight went quickly g?a?? 28a. The last answer rabbi skipped over ??n? 4a city features in a city centre l???a 5d a key ring held frequently 2 words. ???t a lot? Help...
I think I'm finished but there's a couple I'm having trouble parsing.
1d difficulty ending word during call. Predicament?
16. Doing band framing disc - ominous. Can you help please?...
Ground to a halt with a few left these would help.
26a German joiner a person ruined. ?n????
24d dirt accumulating behind bunk g??t. Grit?
6d man cut by dart opens mouth b????
Help appreciated !...