My 17 year old niece has been skipping college but the lecturer wont divulge her attendance record to my brother, her dad, as she says it's against their policy. She's only 17 and is totally dependant...
Hi, I'm just passed 37 weeks pregnant and these braxton hicks are more frequent, especially at night. Does this just mean that i'm going to have the baby soon or is it just normal so close to your due...
Currently 50% of people suffering from Dementia are undiagnosed by the GP. There is no cure for this illness! If you had this illness therefore would you rather not be told you had it?...
my colleague said he think there is a God, and believes that you will either go to Hell, or Heaven when you die. So i questioned how, how do God decide whether u go to Heaven or Hell? do they hold a...
My BF, bless him, as well as being of Welsh extraction & more than a little eccentric, is a little old fashioned. In fact he is the only man I know under the age of 65 who still possesses, and uses, a...
hello people i am new here, i have recently found out that someone close has an illness, i wont go into details but its making me think and rethink about life in general, none of us know what could...
Enforce this. I dont care if any one makes snide comments to me. They are not real people, just words on a screen. I aint scared of them. They cant come round my house and get me. They cant even take...