--- these were shot years ago ,sprinting. 2:- could be blue or great,steal something put a in it. 3:- very tired, centre is missing. 4:-Farmers have these,--,do this at night. 5:-Find on the highways...
last one , i hope !!!
116a) uninformed (8) ?L?E?E?C
I thought allergic but last e contradicts that, unless there is another word for astound (5) amazE ??...
10d speed past a police car etc (5,4) T?M?T / ?A?E 28d) excited (8) A?????E? 35a) current (2,3,3) I?/T?E/??? 42a) troubles, perhaps (2,1,3) I?/?/??? 56a) in name only (7) ?O????L 57d) mick ? , poet...
25d) antelope of southern africa (damaliscus lunatus) thought to be the swiftest hoofed mammal. s??s?b?. I have tsessebe but 25a is swell, I think. Thanks
help needed to confirm answers 4d) a goup of organisms within a species that is adapted to particular enviromental conditions 11a) a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it is it...
5a) sheep of central asia whose lambs are valued for black fleece (7) ?a??k?l 10a) in ancient rome, a nickname that became a family name (8) c?g??m?n 11a) nautical, slack left in an anchor cable (5)...