Can anyone tell me bands featuring these lead singers (or could be one of the singers in the band) 1. Jackson Pounder 2. Posdnous 3. John Connor 4. "E"
This song is featured on a film soundtrack, but which film... and which version?! If anyone knows you'll be my friend forever!! It's driving me up the wall!! THANKYOU IN ADVANCE!!
I heard a song on Radio 1 this week, sounded a bit like Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly but i don't think it was. The only line I can remember is a recurring line from the chorus which was .......why must i...
i heard a song on radio 1 it starts "why do we always act the clown...." and also says abotu ahvent time to wash my hands and face?? any ideas? thanks in advance!
10 percent power 10 percent skill 100 percent concentrated power of will. its a rap song and i need to know who sings it or the name. i think it's one of the guys from linkin park.
can anyone think of an artist with the initials on the left who had a hit with the initials to the right? bs-----s of p scj-----fnm gf-----wicw le-----tl-m sb-----t
Anyone know? Goes something like There aint nothing I can do about it Long journeys wear me out. Then the chorus is something like Feels like i'm on another world with you.
does anyone know who the artist singing on the beach is?? i know the song i just wondered if it was possible to dwonload this version from anywhere??
Not so much of a question but more of a recomendation. Has anyone heard Amy Winehouses new album? i thought it would be another one of those mopey "Katie Mellua" kind of albums but its actually quite...
Theres this song i've heard a few times, it's R&B the chorus is 'roses are red ,violets are blue' its sung by a guy and it sounds late 80's.I think Mariah Carey sampled the beat of the song on one her...
Does anyone know what this album is? <a target='_blank' href="http:// philip_cole/?start=#imgAnch1">myla bel</a> It's the one on...