Irish greeting on banner I unfurl (9) I have * I * E * N * A* Have been looking for an irish greeting with rest anagrammed but can't find anything. Help please
Look round large Shakesperean clown with pride (4 - 6) I think it is self esteem but don't know why apart from it being "pride" * E * F * S * E * M Also Corresponding to animal in Asian boat...
Last two - any help gratefully received. Bit of a boss - like the Mona Lisa?
(11) * A * T * R * i * C * and also No steer, presumably, can escape this flower's scent (5) O * L * P...
Please could someone explain to me the answer to a clue in Radio Times 46? "Sad angels at round church material" - (7 and 5) I am sure the answer is stained glass (church material) and sad...
Nobody has asked this yet so it must be quite simple but I cannot get it!!! Bay entered the wrong way round? (5) * N * E *
Many thanks to anyone who can assist....
Can somebody help with this - it is only three letters but I can't get anything apart from "bug" but can't see how this can be right!!!! "Wideawake insect" (3) I haven't any...
Help please: They give people eyes for detail (11) * i * r * * * o * * *
Also: wash a great deal I have on (6) * t * * *
Any help will be much appreciated...
Help please on the following: A mate for him would mean the end! (5-6) and I haven't got any letters!!! Stays, with me returning during the monsoon (7) I haven't got any for this either - it is quite...
I have come to a full stop with this - any help would be very much appreciated: Flight artist's model? (7,4) I haven't got any letters to go on with this. The spirit of progress (6) * E * R * * . Go...
Not doing very well this week - any help appreciated: Does it help worshippers turn their minds to higher things (3.7) * * * S * * * i * * Terribly vain fellow? (4) i * * * is this idle??? With which...