I don't think it is steroids as said in the video, as not much point, but apart from this horrible practice, the hygiene is disgusting.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2992624/South-Yorkshire-Police-accused-covering-widespread-sexual-abuse-Sheffield-scale-bigger-Rotherham.html Why is it that this matter is not given the same...
What creature would dig a round 2 inch hole in the flower border of my garden. Its round and goes down about 3 inches and then veers off to the side. Picture here. http://i59.tinypic.com/2agrmzc.jpg...
To finishe a quiz I need link words eg. Wisdom. Sweet. Ache. = Tooth Blue. Fishnet. Nylon. (8). I get stockings but that's 9 Time. Holy. God (6) Blue. Hopper. Cutter. (5) Eye. Screen. Read (5). I get...
It's in two days and I'm wondering what's a good gift that I can give them. I don't want to seem too clingy and all since my boyfriend and I have just started dating
I have seen some very imaginative names on here since joining. I am curious, how did you all choose your names? In my case - i joined at short notice so I didn't have much time to think, but Gail is...
This is prompted by a current thread on tin openers. As kids we used to have corn beef hash, corned beef and finely chopped scallions mashed into boiled potatoes. There were more spuds than corned...