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do they sell brown sauce in USA?
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fav book?
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Is it considered rude to not respond to an email? Even if it is to just say, "I've got your message, thank you" - I do but wonder if other's do as well?
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Where can I find good traditional english recipes on the internet? 
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Was at a friend's house the other night when we unfortunately, got to watch one of their silverbarb fish violently die. we were told that this was the last fish out of 4 silverbarb that had died...
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what is a good shop to buy infant clothes/toys/etc  that deliver overseas? Need to be able to deliver to Greece.
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I'm an American living in London and need to open a checking account that pays in dollars - to keep the bill collectors from the States happy! Anyone know what is the best bank out there?...
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Does anyone know of any public race tracks?

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