Need a cover for a single futon pref. in black or dark purple ,had a look on ebay but the cheapest i could find were from the USA and adding shipping costs a fortune!
Just a follow on question from lloydbeckis on Thurs(didn't want to hijack the Q ) .. Does the colour of the dog play a part in their temperament? I have never heard of this before and it's got me...
Just watched a docu about Christie,it said that Rillington Place had had it's name changed,but never mentioned it's new name, does anyone know what to? And is the original house still there?
We have to vote for our fave...bit of a tough one cos i don't like Richard ! Torn between the other 2 pairs.... Who do think will go? Imogen & Susie, Michael & Spiral and Pete & Richard
I posted a while ago about the herb sachets.... i emailed Findus cos it was bugging me! this is the reply i got .......we did indeed add a herb sachet to the carton, this operation ceased in the early...
How does she do that?? Never seen/heard anything like it,maybe after fizzy drinks for normal peeps!! Does she do it at will? I used to be able to do it in my teens but grew out of it and it hurt my...
Was watching BBBM last night and Abi Titmus said she thought Jayne was a plant,having seen her get away with so much i wonder if there's any truth in it?
I've lost the ball on my piercing ring, tried to put another one on but it's hard!! Anyone got any tips on how to do it? We have a piercer in town ,would they charge for putting it back on (he's not...
Hope this is the right category :o) One lad was in the Clink,why is jail known as this?How many other names is jail known as? I only know "doing time", "the nick" ,"the slammer"
Does anyone ever check if the question they want answering has already been answered?? Do they look through the list before they submit?? I have answered the Citroen ad question twice now LOL