Seriously, what you got to offer me? Or is it a case of what I can avoid! I'm deadly (excuse the pun) serious. But what can your belief system/religion/spiritual tradition/ offer me except a free pass...
My experiences on R&S are that atheists hunt in packs and love nothing more than to tear into a big fat Christian. Oftentimes, this is accompanied by an almost world weary sighing impatience as if to...
In about 7 or 8 billion years from now, (not that this will worry any of us now) the Sun will die, Earth and the rest of the Solar system will have died long before, the Sun will probably become a...
I was hoping to post semi-regular updates about what I'm doing, partly because it's good to keep AB science active, partly because it's helpful for me to think about what I'm doing, and partly because...
Following on from the horrific news of a little boy killed by lightning - I am genuinly intrigued to hread how any of our Christian contributors can begin to reconcile this tragedy with the notion...
There is this situation that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. I'm currently a senior in high school, and this happened last year (2020). Someone in school was an overall ass to me. He would...
Given that the majority of the planet's population are either black, brown or yellow & most of them seem to want to migrate into the portions of the world developed by the white's, will the demise of...
Anyone believe they exist?
Got no real reason for asking other than I’ve been a bit bored n looking into info that shows on ancient Sumerian tablets pertaining to Enki and other “aliens”...
My roommate has improve usually on Mondays. He didnt go to it and he came out of his room." I said,what happened to your improve". Im concerned he might of interpreted as to why he's at home and Im...
God has been kicked out of the public arena, together with the self discipline normally associated with religions of whatever denomination. In place we have seen the arrival of a collective madness,...
The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift -JESUS IS SON What is the ransom, and what do we need to understand in order to appreciate this valuable gift? Put simply, the ransom is GOD .S means to deliver, or...
// On the above thread, Khandro accuses me of been 'inane' //neveracrossword: You accuse locusts of not 'debating &...