I have no idea why all this started - I mean why should the President of Iran say that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. Why did Yasser Arafat say the Palestines should drive the...
What the Middle East region lacks and requires for a stable peace is a clear and mutually agreed definition of what constitutes a political border, how it should be defended, how disagreements should...
What other things does the Moons gravity affect on Earth? Someone mentioned it could be linked to menstrual cycles, but if this is the case then how can some women who live together affect each others...
If I put 3 or 4 small ice cubes in a drink they melt quickly...If I put 1huge ice cube in a drink it takes forever to melt ...am I right in assuming this has to do with the surface area of the ice...
I cycle to work. I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that as I cycle along my road in the morning my shadow is EXACTLY in front of me (ie sun is directly behind me) Last night as I cycled home...
An answer posted by mibn2cweus on Thurs 29/06/06 at 07:30 has reminded me of a some ancient playing I once did with special relativity: "... until finally, at reaching the velocity of light, your are...