I am still puzzled why so many unbelievers bother to show any interest in matters of belief and religion. It would be like me suddenly posting on a cookery thread. Not going to happen. Why is this?...
The End of time was due in 10 days but it has been put on the back burner https://www.space.com/40288-no-rapture-april-23-nibiru-doesnt-exist.html?utm_source=notification...
Hi, How many of you believe in mediums and psychics? Do you believe ghosts exist? How does the Ouija Board work? How can a board with a few numbers and letters call a spirit? Is there life after...
Would you have seen the cyclist and been able to brake in time?
A question for the Christians here. According to the Bible Adam and Eve bought sin in to the world because they ate of the tree of knowledge. What exactly is wrong with knowledge? Ive never received a...
religious insanity.. what celebration, the latter video is more apt http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5561991/Devout-worshipers-atone-sins-nailing-crosses.html...
Not a question, just something that some may find interesting and want to comment on.
You hear a knock at the door, you go to open it and find yourself looking back at yourself except you're slightly older. Yourself tells you they're from the future and that you must follow them...What...
I keep reading on scientific websites that we don't know what 95% of the universe is made from? Its all atoms isn't it? What is this thing about anti-matter? Can you explain it to me in laymens terms?...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5545261/Superdrug-accused-racism-CCTV-warning-signs-black-hair-section.html Does this person not realise that it as nothing to do with racism, but because...
This is interesting: http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/femail/article-5529827/Readers-share-stories-proving-afterlife.html Anybody on here had such experiences?...
https://youtu.be/2-BLz4pfrHU Why am I so turned on by girls who can do this? I mean scientifically why does this make me sexually aroused? There’s clearly nothing sexual about it. This is a serious...
Are there any important life lessons you feel you have learned over the course of your life? Maybe some that would benefit others or that you feel you'd like to share?
Might seem an odd category to put it in but bare with me. Money is what makes the modern human society tick over. So when did Homo Sapiens introduce 'money' as a means of survival? Just when did...
Has religion been a good thing for humanity? It's comforted people when they've most needed it. It's helped people overcome fears and limitations. It helps people stay 'focused' and 'on track'. It's...
Of all the alleged creator Gods imagined by man (a couple of thousand at least), why do you (if you're religious) opt for the Abrahamic God in particular?