Hi - a couple of years ago we bought my Mother in Law some live bumble bees as a present. For the life of me I can't remember where we got them from. Does anybody know a supplier? Many thanks.
7 d. Shrub with large clusters of flowers (9) u-d-a-g-a I am assuming that it does start with u as I have joaquim for 5a but surely it is joaquin, but 8d. is maxilla.Now I fe4el like a Gumby ( my head...
eg Whistle 1. Perfect 2. Nut 3. Coffin 4. Turkish Delight? 5. Brawl 6. Aggressive Don't know how many letters in each answer. Any help much appreciated.
17 ac; 'L-l-e-r- il Pensieroso ed il Moderato', dramatic oratorio by Handel.(8) 26ac; A-a-i-m; Reversion to a former or more primitive type (7) 2d; Give official authority; e-p---r (7) 11ac: J--; Talk...
A friend of mine has forgotten the title of a book she wishes to recommend to me. She is very vague about the details but remembers it is set somewhere abroad on an archaeological dig and as the dig...
1 systems go! 2 a noble one 3 not enough dough 4 unlucky for some-it's said 5 join this and you'll be in it 6 rainbow colours with a bone 7 a 'tail' of two cats 8 mix with the upper crust 9 its a bit...
1 systems go 2 unlucky for some-its said 3 rainbow colour with a bone 4 lucky & artful 5 an american place 6 spice with a cracker 7 the yellow smoke 8 sweet & thin 9 time for a a.m. drink break
1. Matlida's dance 2. Does the prey hunt do this 3. Half a happy days character repeated 3 times 4. If you changed the first letter it would be a dark snake 5. Spicy dip 6. The noise from a hammer
The grid for this puzzle has some mistakes in it (is this a clever way to defeat the credit crunch by printing prize crosswords which cannot be answered??) for 12a read 11a there is no 11d and 12d,...