9across very likely to happen (4,2.) ???s ?? 12down child minder (5) i was thinking of nanny , 18across light yellowish brown (5) ??n?y the last letter is from nanny if thats correct. help please...
good morning, help please 11down one studying nature or physics,say (9) d?i?w?i?t im not sure about the w that comes from 18across light yellowish brown (5) i put tawny . thanks in advance
23across valve with three electrodes (6) ?r?o?e 29down positive or negative,not O (3,4) n?n ?e?o 48down indian dairy drink (5) l?s?i anyone help please just cant seem to fininsh this weeks thanks in...
6across having a hard defensive skin (6,6) ?r???? ?l?t?d 28down one who wont let others enjoy what they have no use for (3,2,3,6) help please with these two I would be grateful thanks in advance...
can someone help me please cant seem to concentrate this week thanks in advance 8down be very successful (2,4,1,4) g? ???? a ???? 9down mythical monster (6) 21across Italian male name meaning...
34down consonant sound in some languages (7,4) g?o?t?p ?t?p 40down compressed form of fuel (9) b?i?i?t?e 22down varioety of cypress (9) l?y?a?d?i 53across ancient region of asia minor (5) i?n?a 3down...