18 across in the usual manner (8) ??r?o?l? 16 down not fair (6) ???u?t 23 across town with harbour (7) s???o?a 25 across boil(6) ???t?n thanks in advance
help please 16 across health resort (3,4) spa ?o?n 53 across one asked to attend (7) i???t?e 50 down yearn to possess (another's property) (5) c???t 31 down roof-edge wall (7) ??r?n?t 31 across...
help please with 46 across sound sales policy (3,8,2,5,5,) ??? ???t?m?? ?s ?e?e? wrong. 1across sign raising or lowering a musical note (10) ????d?n?a?. thanks in advance
help please 7across sheepskin garments (6,5) a???a? k?a?w 18down keep well away from (5,4,3,6.)?v??? like the ?l???? may have something wrong thanks in advance