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Stumped with a couple, I think the flu is getting the better of me, 27d one of a series of mass descents.and 27a Skein of wool, Thanking you in asdvance
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xword fanati
6a with a weight of up to 7.2lbs the world's largest anuran g???a?? ?r?? 8d great lordship of many manors in medieval england ??n?u?
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I've just bought a new pc and downloaded itunes library, but when I went to sync my ipod with the new library I get a message saying that I cannot sync with more than one library! Unless I wipe out...
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help please last two. 6a consequence of seismic waves 26d. electric signals. is noise. thanks in anticipation.
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I know it is on here some where but cant find it last one 50 d Group of ungulate mammals such as zebra antelope or elephants _e_a thanks in advance
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14d. nursery game (5,4) -i-e-,--l- 17a. a drink, heavens, will give you a buzz (7) -o-d-a-
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Stuck on one, which i'm sure is going to be obvious when someone kindly tells me. 68D Playful I have _r_i_y Thanks in advance
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has anyone noticed a problem with today's griddler - half way down on the left ???
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Confused(not difficult!) about 8 across. First of all I thought it was CHOLI derived from HC and OIL but now that I have established that 1 down is LAMB, it clearly doesnt fit! Can anyone help please...
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7d got up most of trendy substance used in varnish I know resin is varnish but do they want risen as the answer? 7d should it be resin or do they want risen? 24d man reportedly did not start gold lace...
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33A type of satchel with long straps .... s-b-e-a-h- 42A flat steel bar .... f-s-p-a-e It's only taken my second post here to display my ineptitude Thanks in advance
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42a flat steel bar used to connect adjacent pieces of railway track - is it fastplate?
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18 across. Tropical fruit, native to West Africa, with poisonous seeds and flesh that may only be eaten when just ripe (5) A?K?? Thank you for any help ypu may offer smiler
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15a flower the harebell reproduced 28a among oil polluting country thanks in anticipation kayakamina!

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