50. Bird is one repeated.( 4) 54. British island near a state in America. ( 4 ) 68. King puts new end on animal's park.( 3 ) 88. Pyrenean goat takes head odd reptile (5 ) Thanks for any help
1.What is said to be the least nutritious fruit or vegetable. 2.What is the meaning of the welsh word Llan. 3.How tall or small was Tom Thumb. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks I
Can any-one help please. How many TV viewers watched at least 15 minutes of the marathon.A.3.million.B.8.million.C.12 million. Of the 35,5557 starters,how many finished. How much bottled water per...
Which footballer was jailed in 1990 for a drink drive offence. In 1978 which woman was accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a Morman. Hope some-one can help me.Thanks
In 1978 which woman was accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a Morman. Which footballer was jailed in 1990 for a drink driving offence. Hope some-one can help me.
1.The tertiary ending where the mechanical devices go up. 2. A very valuable appendage. 3.The doubles get violent at the second heavenly shoot-out. 4. The original stellar conflict with an annoying...
eg 7 D in a W 7days in a week 6, 617 S the D 8. a 2-H C is a B 14. 55 D N 31, L 8 C in H P afraid I am not very good at these so I will appreciate some help [ i have a few more] Thanks