This puzzle seems to be getting harder. After madly googling I've only managed to identify the celebrities mothers in pictures 3, 5 & 7. Help... Please!...
I thought I was doing really well this week: I've spotted the cat, found all the differences, but yet again I'm stuck on the picture quiz. Does anyone know what Oscar winning films pictures 3, 5 & 8...
I'm stuck on 29 across: Member done with *** (4-2) ?n?k-?p I'm wondering if I've got the 'n' wrong. It's the penultimate letter of 18 down: Fiddle stuck into behind of long suffering type (3,2-3)....
I guess I must have slept through most of the eighties as I've only been able to identify half of the picture singers in this week's quiz. I'm stuck on 1, 4, 6 & 7, does anyone have a copy and know...
Considering the subject of this week's quiz I'm surprised I'm only stuck on two of the pictures, but stuck I am. If anyone knows the soap couples in pictures 2 and 4 I'd be extremely grateful.
I'm stuck on a couple of things in this issue: Question 6 of the Big Quiz: Which TV and West End star took to Twitter to post evidence of what happens when you leave your puppy alone in a room with...
I'm stuck on the love it! magazine picture quiz again. I've managed to identify all but the fashion label in picture 1. Anyone know what it is. Thanks.
I've been working my way through a local Christmas quiz, and have found myself stuck on a few of the questions. All the answers relate to Christmas in some way. 1. Ringing in "It's a Wonderful Life"?...
Does anyone have a copy of this week's issue and know who the Celebrity Big Brother winner in picture 2 is? I can't decide if it's Bez's big mouth or not.
All answers are associated with Christmas: 1) Good feeling at this time. Alcohol not needed (9,6) 2) Unexpected gifts (9) 3) She shares her name with Christmas Day (7) 4) I swat inactive musicians I...
It's that time of week, and once again I find myself stuck on the love it! magazine picture quiz... all three of'em!!! I'm still perservering with the 'Celebrity Santas' and 'Celebrity Mash-up' ones,...
The love it! picture quiz seems to be becoming my kryptonite, I've managed to figure out all but one this week. Does anyone know what the advert in picture 6 is advertising?
I've found myself stuck on love it! magazine's picture quiz again. Does anyone have a copy and know who the Children in Need presenters are? I've identified all but 1 and 8... Assuming 7 is Natasha...
Has anyone got a copy of this week's issue and managed to finish the picture quiz? I'm almost done, but I'm stuck on a couple: 2 (Is it Mork & Mindy?) and 4. Thanks....
3D Principal directions when about to smell cake (8,6) ?????R??/?????? 4D Easy to top and tail insect for surgical insertion ?????N? 8D Nail vehicle to school, does rice get thrown (9,5)...