Stuck on 2, please help
13d) Crazy Greek going for Crazy Monarch (4 + 6) ? ? ? K ? E ? R ? E
16a) Cycling non stop, I go round private areas only (6) ? ? ? I ? I
Many thanks for your help...
38 across - Colossal (5) I have G?A?? but am not sure the "a" is right. 41 across - Overcome obstacles (4,9) ?O?E?O?N?A??? 3 down - Money dispenser (inits) (3) ?T? 31 down - Embroil (8)...
27acr On a quest to meet 13(all or part of) (7)
26d Sunny start to fortnight in Spain (4)
23d Shabby colour covering a child's horse (6)
22d Writer's sympathy masks English irreverence(7)...
13 across any plant such as jerusalem artichoke etc ?e?i?n?h?s 23 across it proposes that every even number greater than 2 is the sum of 2 primes ?o?d?a?h?c?n?e?t?r? 41 across english physician after...
1a like fast food dear? Definitely not [5,2,5] c?e?p ?? ????s 9d location contributes to this - the craft of getting the ball to a team-mate[7,5] p????n? ??a?e 23a device which facilitates the pouring...
10 across Blemished clean copy with a single glance? (9) --C-O-E-N 13 across Nobleman expected to embrace King (4) D--- 22 down Child heading for Oz would have me (4) T-T- is it TOTO? Thanks in...