Last 3 : 1d Country included on map? No good memory. I-D-A. India? 12d As ten is under twelve's close and fifty's over! E-E-E-. Eleven? 45d Longing to move to Cornwall, perhaps? Then shift! -W-T-H....
Last two: 43a Learner knowing what looks like a cedar but isn't ...I have LARCH, not sure why. 48d City railroad doctor's gone on........I have MOSCOW, again not sure why. Any explanations greatly...
52a ...away from river it Firth or Forth?
LInked with 50a...More vacuous European politician gowing to row............(for which I have EMPTIER)
Many thanks....
7ac `Los (??????),`award-winning variety of Salvia x jamensis. 3d Award- winning variety of Achillea filipendulina (5-2-4) (?g?t?-o?-g?l?) 4d Novel atmosphere enjoyed while working in the garden?(5-3)...
Help please on last few - think the cold weather is affecting me today 3d Spots heads of Vehicle Inspectorate inside transport (6) R?V?S? 28d Edge back round second trap (4) ?E?H 35d Greedily eat cold...
Last 3 3d Worried about what may be sun goddess.....I have ASTARTE 26d Stylish sort coming up with tons of stuff written for women.....I have CHICK LIT 24d Cutting with leaf falling away from a...
Have just read that the music played for Jack Duckworth's last moments tonight is Matt Monro singing 'Softly as I leave you', my favourite song of all time. Worth watching the programme for that...
Stuck with these: 10d Study liable to undergo further change. --a-a-t 9a Dealer needs to increase business, sir, so they say. ---c-r 8d Female poet to become distended, having drunk wine. a-t-e--....
22d Way in which libertine receives tango on radio. R-U-E. Suppose it is ROUTE...roue = libertine...but where does the radio come in? 51a Majestic, like part of famous boulevard in Berlin. S-B-I-E....