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Am I entitled to put a notice on my front door, " no Jehovah Witnesses" ? Just fed up with them knocking and I inadvertently open the door....
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For any irrational reason you choose, what places can't you abide? I am watching four in a bed and the B & B is near Southwold, can't stand the place (sent a shiver down my spine when they said it,...
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The Galapagos Islands? We are thinking about going somewhere a bit special next winter as it will be our 20th anniversary together. I've looked at various holidays online but have never heard of...
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This evening, I have just seen my first house with all the christmas lights flashing away in the windows so Christmas has started. It`s official.
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swore stiff
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Having seen the adverts I was a little surprised to see Aldi marked as Best Supermarket at the appropriate awards. What are your views on it and what is your "Best Supermarket"?...
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Horrible, nasty creature...bleating about being encouraged to be sexist.
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Dear Bibblebub, Lie-in King et al, Is it just me or have the recent cryptic crosswords become much more difficult with very convoluted clues? I used to enjoy them and have a good go, but...
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do they only happen on the sole of your feet? I swear I've got one on the lower heel, close to the sole of foot, outer left so I need to be a contortionist to see it....
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I always thought he was a Buffon never realised how clueless he is though
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wasnt on much last night laid down been feeling awful i think its my iron not coming on and thundery weather been feeling like i cant breathe; sick; and aching legs and dowm my nose etc. and mr d been...
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My cat has always loved his food and would eat at any time. he has always been a mad ginger moggie and is now 12. But he is becoming obsessed. Miaows all the time for food, really loud, he has been...
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I wake up with a bad neck every morning,I have tried every pillow going!!! I need quite a low pillow, which gives good support to my neck, but still quite soft! Can anyone advice me please? I really...
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Little black beetles on my runner bean leaves - not seen them before. Any advice? Thanks
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so sad?
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What a great game (apart from the grunting) between Sharapov and Williams. What a powerhouse Serena is and what a fantastic figure of a woman - my all time favourite woman tennis player.
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what with that bloke at the door; my anemia and now dinner wasted mr d late home someone wanted a job done just cancelled painting the day is getting worse
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Worth watching or am I going to e disappointed?
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Just put this reply into desktop2 thread and it's been deleted !!!!! "So sorry do hear that desktop2. A neighbor of my dads killed himself this way back in 2008. He had an old mini 1960's and my dad...

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