Watching that Whale having a dip in the Thames the Sky news reporter solemnly informed us it could be "up to 10 and a half metres long".Now I'm an old fuddy duddy so that means little to me,but I was...
Despite suffering a humiliating defeat in the House of Lords over this subject, the Govt still plans to press ahead with the idea, reversing the decision in the Commons.With prices for these things...
12,181 for a League cup semi-final against Arsenal! Wigan Athletic should return to non-league football where they belong.A waste of time,money,and effort.Take Fulham with them as well,another waste...
Am I the only one who gest incensed by this kind of tabloid behaviour ? Here we are in World Cup year with England having a very real chance of winning it and with a national newspaper trying their...
What is the lowest number that isn't an out shot? Also, does anyone know if the commentators are having some kind of bad pun competition this year? Some of the comments have been horrendously...
Hi...Is there a website where I can look for a specific programme. I'm 23 now and it used to be on CBBC...when I was 10-13 and on when WATT ON EARTH was on in terms of the year...very early...
I've just been reading through some old entries and I'm surprised to read that some people have had their photos and fingerprints taken when entering the USA. Is this correct? I travelled with my...