I am a bit perplexed by Dave Cameron's expenses claims. I realise he hasn't done anything criminal and acted within the rules, but why does a man worth ?30million have to get a mortgage and then claim...
Taken from today's Open Europe Bulletin: MEPs are entitled to expenses and allowances of ?363,000 a year, including a ?261 daily subsistence allowance and ?45,648 in general office expenses even...
There is much critisism on here about people saying they are going to vote BNP. Well when you read news reports like this you can understand why. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlan...
Normally I'm a Tory however I'm going to lend my vote to UKIP in June as I hope they can get in and wreck the gravy express. All the Furore about the UK MP's snouts in trough, kin amatuers, get a load...
I say abolish them completely unless it's direct governement business, they get enough salary, if they don't like the conditions then get another job. Surely the rest of us apply for a job with a plan...
Lord Tebbit is risking expulsion from the Conservatives after urging voters not to back the party in next month's European elections. The call from a senior party grandee is an extraordinary challenge...
I have observed over the last months condemnation of some on here ( and by tory politicians ) of Labour party politicians expenses claims ; suggesting that's one of the reasons we now need a tory...
Expenses claims by members of the Cabinet, including the PM, being leaked via the Tory newspaper the Daily Telegraph. "More to follow." Justified? Cynical ploy? Will Cameron & Co also be "exposed"?...
I'm not a Chelsea supporter, haven't been able to cope with them since Tommy Docherty was in charge. I missed the game last night, but saw Hiddink being interviewed afterwards, and he was asked if he...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117673 8/As-Labour-plotters-plan-replace-Brown-Charle s-Clarkes-shock-demand-Ed-Balls-sacked.html It looks as if Labour is about to launch a 'night of long...
Another parasitic politician rumbled! "Trough", "pigs" and "snouts" come to mind! http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article-116 3792/Ministers-60-000-expenses-parents-home-Ru...
Instead of labelling the Muslim protesters as extremists, shouldn't we try to address their genuine concerns? They're obviously not happy with life in the UK and must find a lot of the customs and...