Anyone know the piece of music used in the woolwich advert where the man is climbing into a mail box with his shopping. I think it is also used in the film Truly Madly Deeply
Hi everyone. Does any body know what the song is that is played before the featured movie at Odeon Cinemas. The ad appears to be asvertising the cinema itself and there are multicoloured spotlights...
i just really would like to know what was the music played on the new ipod nano 'completely remastered' (the one with diff. colours eg. pink, blue etc), i really like the tune. Cheers.:)
hi,doz any1 know what the music is for the new microsoft ad is and also who the artist is for an old ad where the song is called blue skies(this ad was last summer for microsft or something)
ok theres a song on the new guerlian (think thats how u spell it) perfum advert i have heard it before i just cant think what it is can you people help me find who dos it or what its called or both...
hi all, just wondering if anyone knows the name and artist of the song in the ipod nano advert currently on tv, with the phrase 'completely remastered'. thanks in advance