my pal bought a ladys jacket .on .linego 2 weeks .ago paid with credit .card .got a letter to day saying they owe them 22pounds minium payment due 1o pounds.. it also says having checked your account...
my pal came around to day
with her laptop
she could not get on line
she had to use my security key
will. she have access to my laptop now
a merry xmas...
us ing firefox xp when i type in a web address in the box their is dot when i click on the address to open it it says web site not available what i want to know how to rid of the dot i highlighted it...
my pal wasgiven sildenafil teva 100 mg for ed prob
he thinks its a cheap form of viagra
he thinks the tablet should be a blue colour
what do u think...
i need a new socket or bracket where i can plug in my filter and phone
can some one tell the correct one to buy
i do not know the correct item name
i know a married couple the husband is about 74 he is just able to walk he has a mobility scooter the wife told me she paid a 1000 pounds for i fhought in his position he would have got a free one...