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My youngest son (who, according to the speech therapists, can't talk, as opposed to won't talk) had his first proper speech therapy session today. It went really well and he seemed to achieve loads in...
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Does she have any other clothes besides that damn white suit!!!!!!!!!???
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What is it that causes the end of your nose to itch maddeningly for hours? I had it most of the day today, driving me to distraction! I felt like taking the sandpaper to it just for a bit of peace....
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Is this the best that Wales can offer as front person for this rather average early evening Show. As much Charisma as a Fart in a Spacesuit ! Not unattractive but not that pleasing on the eye either...
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Why don't ladies who dye their hair blonde, dye their black eyebrows too? Or is it not possible to dye eyebrows? (I'm not one of those ladies who visit the beauty salon). It looks a bit strange to me....
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Please could you tell me why the welsh pronounce ears as "years"? Is that how you personally say it? I hate it so much lol. My husband is welsh but makes a conscious effort to pronounce it...
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I just wanted opinion/thoughts on something. My bf's Mother is going away for 5 days at the end of May and has decided to put the dog in kennels while she is away. This is despite the fact her husband...
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I know it's been asked before but I think a "Delete your own post button" would be a good idea, as Ed knows of late I have needed Ed's help in removing a couple of my posts. How much easier...
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I'm going in ... (takes deep breath) ... ... back later ... I hope ... !! =0o (could I pass as 15?) (okay okay ... could I maybe pass as 35???) Byeeeeeee !!!!!!! ... x x x...
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Is there any difference health wise between brine, spring water and the other one they use (oil is it?)?
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They are talking about charging for using the toilets in flight! would you use this Airline? although they say that they are the cheapest would you fly with them?
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I want to tax my car ready for when I hopefully pass my driving test on the 29th March so I don't have to faff around on the day doing it. The car is not insured at the moment. I have tried to get tax...
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a couple of weeks ago i sent off my passport to have my name changed to my married name..... today it has been returned with my change of name deed..... its my original passport still in the name i...
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this is why I've put it here in chatterbank, but according to a popular magazine (the Radio Times) the nations favourite cake is? Well you tell me and see if you agree - I'm sure they've got it wrong....
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My very sensible 15 year old daughter has got a boyfriend of the same age. Very nice boy BUT he is always at our house ! They go to the same school, we live 5 miles away. His dad comes to collect him...
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Now obvious 'typos' are exempt.We all all make them. ect for 'etc' . of cause for of course . Any more glaringly obvious ones?...
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I am doing my usual, "its only a couple of months to summer" training regime. I have decided to include a weekly (increasing to twice weekly) run through the woods by where I live. The...
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...go ahead one hour tonight, so I'll be only 4 hours behind you lot. Interesting eh?
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As an adult or a child?. I remember my mum talking about her manageress....and i used to picture a manager with a big S on his back LoL I used to call 7up "zup" x...
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hasn't there been some scrapping in this series? I don't care for Timmy and his mate about time they went...

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