My friend has a sense of humor so complex and obscure no-one else finds it amusing. does he have a good sense of humor? cos he thinks he does. Also what make funny, are their a few fundamental laws of...
I want to buy a pair of color contact lenses from Boots Opticians. There are no prices for these on their website. Has anyone else bought some ? They come on an annual subscription. I'd be grateful if...
I keep reading that they will go ahead with out a UN veto. What is the veto?? Is it where the Un say no don't go but they go anyway?? Or is it a vote thing?? Sorry if im not clear but its getting more...
Can anyone tell me...
Does minight appear at the beginning or end of the day, i.e. is tuesday midnight just after monday or just before wednesday. And is 12 pm the same as midnight?
My all time favourite [after f*** u and the horse ...] Has got to be The higher the monkey climbs the tree the more he shows his a**e [as in some people the higher promoted they are make a div out of...
Are they the two best albums from the nineties? Maybe 'Urban Hymns' and 'Definitely Maybe' can be included in there as well, but I've have just re-discovered The Bends and OK Computer in my collection...
I got myself a new PC a couple of weeks ago and I've got a little problem. On the keyboard '4' key, I have got a '$' sign on shift and an E(Euro) sign to the right of the '4'. As you may have noticed,...
I want to buy a DVD player and want to get one that has the most benefit to me. I have lots of media on my computer and would like to put them onto CDs to play on a DVD player - is this possible? Or...
Answerbank Convention 2003. All welcome, whether newcomers or regular contributors. Come one come all. No admission fee. Arta Bar, The Old Cheesemarket, Walls Street, Glasgow, 7.30pm, Saturday 22...
If there are only 3 places on the spacecraft (see question 2 down from this) why don't we share out the Royal Family more equally between the home countries. After all we are all paying for them and...
What do people think of the revamp. I'm not impressed. Doesn't seem to be as much news, or if there is, it isn't as easily accessible as it used to be. I'm usually all for sites updating their image...
I watch GMTV (i hang my head in shame..' and we were essentially advised to do as the americans and have survial packs in preparation for attack from say a drrrrty bomb. How pray does one protect...
What's my cat up to when he bites my feet during the night?!
I daren't slip a foot outside the covers for fear of feeling a pincing bite on one or other of my toes - what's my cat up to?!