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Would it be possible for me to set up the adult's alternative to the icecream van?? fags, snacks and booze...door to door??
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With the date, time and venue of the unoffical answerbank convention now decided 22/3/03 19:30 arta bar in glasgow, I am curious as to our methods of transport to get there. Plains, trains or...
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Hoping to buy on in the Jan sales, but apart from knowing I want a multi region one, I know nothing. Can anyone tell me good features to look out for, pointless gimmick features to avoid, or recommend...
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Is there a difference between white top and silver top unbranded cdrs? Is one better quality than the other or is just a matter of preference?
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Hi I've recently connected a Philips DTX-6370 Terrestrial Digital Box to my Fujitsu PDS-4203 Plasma Screen. I connected the two via a Scart cable. (Scart outputting from Digital Box, then inputs into...
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What is the name of the hmv dog?
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I believe that the colour of an object is determined by the light it absorbs. i.e. a white object absorbs maximum light and thus appears white. A black object absorbs no light and therefore appears...
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What does it mean to be a 'regular' on this site. Does it mean to read stuff daily or post stuff weekly or what? is it someone who has posted more than five times or something? This is madness I tell...
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HI, not really a travel question but its abouit my car. I fancy fitting an induction kit on my car (sorry i know its sad but it make sa nice sound - tryied a mates) My question is will it cause my car...
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Imagine Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson both in their primes having a one-on-one all out brawl. Who'd win and why? Just wondering
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HI, Does anyone know how i can record what i draw in flash 6 then play it back for instance i want to grab my mouse draw a pic and as i do the timeline is automatically filled / goes to the next...
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Hi i can think back to a time when there was a song with the lyrics - Hey Jimmy what do you see on TV?? and a kid would go - i see War, a Plane, Superman, Cheese etc just some random words about what...
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Ther are two doors, one leads to hell and one to heaven. In front of each door is a guard. One guard always tells the truth and one always lies ( you do not know which is which). You can ask ONE guard...
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What is GBH and what sentances can it involve?
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Im going to the Leeds at the end of August im wondering what the weather will be like. The furthest north ive ever been is Leicester and that was ok-ish. will it be a case of sunnies and shorts or...
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I need the name of an old black and white Japanese film, where the samurai is protecting his baby by using a pram with all kinds of gadgets on it.
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When is the BBC Program Game on series 2 coming out on R2 DVD?? i know u can get it on VHS.
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About ten years ago I used to buy what I can only describe as chocolate cigarettes. They were sugar paper wrapped around chocolate with several different types of packaging presented like cigarettes....

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