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Flower having a virtually unrelenting smell. Good! (5;4) This is the one with the 100-word instructions... Suffice it to say that the answer to the second word is PONG. Help with first word gratefully...
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5dn Poet's lines about being only cut on poor '40s/'50s movies (10) I have ?O?G???L?? 3dn Tops of elms growing in vivid green high Austrian alpine valley (10) I have ?E?E???G?? All help appreciated....
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Slovakia and Jamaica (via Romania) both have breakfast (7,4). --a----, ----. Related clues suggest the second word might be eggs. But why? Thanks in advance ScorpioJo, Lie-in King, DannyK and other...
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Quick easy victory, something precious about it (6). I have prompt, but why the pt?
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Atyitudes accepted after detective in force (7). I have M-N-S-T

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