23D. Glad in turn for the freight (6)L_ _ _N_.
27A Where board members take centre stage in New York? (8) _ _ O_ _ _A_.
27D Prison ship.(4) _ _ i_.
Many thanks if anyone can help please....
1D. One down_as erstwhile he r o, (6,4) _A_L_ _ _D_L 12A Game for a shot? Oh, shoot! (5) _ _ _P_. 25A RTE`s Radio Eireann heads become more epigrammatic (6) _E_S_R. Many thanks if anyone can help,...
17D. Top condition, as that `60s song of 4? (2,3,4) _N_H_ _ _N_.
24D. The total is tasteless.(5)_R_S_.
25A. One way to lure our soccer manager.(6)._N_R_ _.
Thanks if anyone can help, please....
4D One for the Latin scholar? (4) _N_S.
15A A knock in the ghostly night? (4) B_R_
22A It ducked and dived round about 5(1,4)_B_O_.
A big thank you if anyone can help, please....
hi, need help with last 2 clues, 23 down (6) Keen as a frisky filly? _ _R_ _ _ 10/22 Across(8,5) The hard evidence of constructive corroboration. concrete _ _ _o_ I reckon it's concrete floor but...
3D Course it`s on record.(5) _R_C_
17D A walk on this is somehow top right entertainment initially(9) _I_H_ _ _P_
25A No.1image provider(6) _ _ _R_ _
Many thanks if anyone can help please....
9a Understood without being openly expressed (5) T_c_t 27a A group or series of eight items (5) _ _ t _ d 25d Old word for a village or hamlet occasionally incorporated into place names (5) T _ _ _ p...
6D. Blood-feud event a TD brought about.(8) _E_ _ _T_E.
7D. Hang loose for the bread.(4)_O_ _.
11A. Even Homer could do this on duty! (3,3)N_ _ _ _ _.
Many thanks if anyone can help please....
14d Hollywood actor _______Hawke (5)
17d/21a Where Judas might have stood in the ranking before the gates of heaven. (7,2,4)
9/29a A clue to a yarn it turns out as one of warning ( 10,4 )...