All answers are colours. The clues with inv commas are sound like. 1. "What you did for this clue" 2. The woman changes a vowel 3. No choice 4. the fish loses the fish 5. edges in an endless... ...
All the answers are colours. Not necessarily just one word. Think somebody's been at the Dulux colour chart! 1. "what a Jamaican pirate said as he heaved the sailor overboard " This is a sounds... ...
I've watched this for however many nights and the only people I recognise at this moment in time are Grace Dent from Masterchef, Fred from first dates, Nigel Farage who needs no introduction, a... ...
Wordle 889 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I have posted my two starter words here before. Obviously this was pure luck and I feel a bit deflated, robbed of my daily game. That's both my starter words done... ...