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Misty Knight

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does anyone care, oh i do hope you do, but i am going to bed, i may get myself a drink, brush my teeth, put my pyjamas on, scratch my balls, and my arse,then pick my teeth. ARE YOU INTERESTED???? i do...
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i am away to bed see ya manana oooh la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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I am off to bed -and i switched on my phone and one oi the messages from knobby was : 'Would you like to be missing a sun (sic) as I could arrange that just like that if you want you dont want to say...
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illl leave all you bestestestesteetstest mates and fakers together. Enjoy talkin to yourtselves .and also fawn away the whole things pathetic drismal infact nite xx
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For whom it may concern.*rolls eyes* O and husbands on silent so dont waste any more time with your drunken rambling abusive texts. As you were peeps lol Another day in the world of stupidly trusting...
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Im thinking of buying a cowboy hat for when im out in the sun and driving in my soft top bmw. Question is Should i buy a nice black felt one? Or go for a straw one like rabbity girl got when she was...
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Pay double the price for a box of Pringles and I'll give you another one absolutely free. Any takers?
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He has about 6 teats, like a female, down his front. He's definately male! He's neutered now, but he's always had them. What are they for? Does anybody know?
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it has been proven that havinga few drinks ( so-called "beer goggles") makes members of the opposite sex more attractive. For example Two glasses of wine---Boris Johnson 1 bottle of wine-- Sven Goran...
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Where ARE you?!!!! Mirth!
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the chatter bank i once knew it used to be sound now it it is a joke all this pedo buiness and every one sniding at one or other knobbs y you changed in your posting and wat is all this pedo buiness...
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please can someone tell me the answer to one question. WHY?
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just come back from a night out... and i get all these abuse from you. Can you tell me EXACTLY what Personal DETAILS i have REVEALED about yourself?? i mentioned no name or anything it can be anyone....
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Looks like the freaks show from fakeboook has got you banned again. Welcome back next monday then jeeeeeze the freaks will never learn will they
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u remember the username? it was cuddleme/ kerrope/ whitebear. thing is i am a open troll. they arnt and they publish personal details. first they said i was sh1t in bed (it was like sticking your...
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fool called babees is mucking around with all the questions on here again or could it be the mighty war coward lambert that run from his troops that were under attack to save his cowardly little life....
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Sorry wont be on tonight .Welll thats the plan lol. Nor tomorrow night if youre lucky , i mean im l?ucky . Anyways im off now have fun and if you really really really misss me then drop me an email...
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aliass Chiko 2 is back shall we have a you tube link to celebreate good times then. Monts its so nice to see you back again you crazy old cow
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You bet you.. Where have all his fans gone, all you Rex fans who were quick to defend him when I said he was a freak.. Still fans? Actually I'm glad he's still in because Nicole is not doing his ego...
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I know its early for you but after reading through last nights posts -let me shake your cyber hand. I am in awe that you have managed to hoodwink users - for a long time- without once implying you are...

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