anagrams of names of famous british people 1. reeolldtpwonerbba 2.obrnslbaagmeidknirumd 3. ensornayenc 4. nuemptleemkasirhn 5. kswayufeg 6. iraaghle 7. llhltnimvwiweaawciuostt 8. mtekjnacaioascpo 9....
5D Supreme God of the ancient Greeks 16D Group of Islands that include Corfu, Zante & Ithaca 24D English Test Cricketer 23D 70's TV series starring Colin Douglas & Shelagh Fraser 22D Japanese verse...
Stuck on three and google is no help 23a In baseball, a hit where the batter stops safely at third base (6) T?I?L? 39d Member of a gang that terrorised 18th C London known as Young bloods" (6) ?O?O??...
help please . stuck on 2 down . clue is :- Industrial city on the river Ussel that was an early centre of Dutch printing . I have ?E?E?T?R many thanks in advance
If 5d is Mount Pisgah ,then 26 across can't be exterior as I thought . . . Mount Pisgah is correct so what have I done wrong? Thanks to the clever people out there!
how long have any of you who have won anything waited to receive your prizes? I won a runner up prize in April but as yet have heard nothing since seeing my name published.
I'm sure this should be easy, but I am missing just 6a:- In computer technology, to transfer control to a subroutine or sub-program. (4) - a - l Help would be appreciated guys.