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What things have you never done that probably millions of other people have? I have never been to a football match (not that I remember anyhow) I have never been in an aeroplane I have never eaten...
what utterly disgust you . I was served in a resturant last night by a youth who's face was covered in big puss filled spots . Yellow red and white just waiting to burst at the lightest touch . when...
i love fruits so i went shopping and spent ?20 worth of fresh fruit and almost eaten it all in 3 days, now i have a poor tummy :( is eating too much fruits bad for u ?? :(
To follow on from sleepyj's post What age do you consider to be 'old'? For instance, when I was 16, I thought 18 was well old, when I was 18 I thought it was 21, at 21 I imagined 25 year olds to be...
does it worry you about how scary it must be when your going to be the little old man or woman walking down the road to the shops ....i just saw a old man walking and said to my kids how scary it must...
I want Cupboards that dust themselves Cats that want to keep their hairs Prices to come down for a change a 'Delete unused possesions' button like I have on windows a self shaving face an imaginary...