Brain freeze today. 1ac Pro listening to an alien ...?????G? 12ac gambler back with money ???? 17 ac Barbara leaves Kate less filling food ?????S 25ac Vegetarian saying fish is meat ???? 7d keep huffy...
Last few
1D Position left during March= P?a?E
Is it place ?
19ac Great head of state, clearly =?W?LL
Is it swell ?
19d Box empty , not being used ??A?E
Stuck on last few....
2D A man back in line, look L?N??
10a Main course (auntie's portion) S?? Is it SPA?
15d Wrong road taken by idiot A?I?S
8d Enemy back from Tynesdie F?E?S
Stuck on bottom right corner
24ac Foreign land was under my control ????
24d Man in front, say, never behind ??OR
25d bare elbow that's lost weight ????
11ac Prime minister with scar is a literary hero (10 letters) 18ac footballer accepts order from serviceman ?I?? ?????????(4,9) 20 ac Observer to drag in lookout (10 letters) 4d Spaced out faint...
25ac perfect tun by best man U?????N
17d one daft and witless with a rag C????
23d storyteller hearing an instrument ????
24d small object cut in half
Cant get started today ...
1ac Pest out with cub lies prone
9ac An award wasting away
11ac Hans docked for a laugh
13ac A garment for her pinched
23ac Eating a little cold cut is not straightforward SN?K??G is it snaking ? 15d Disc spinning kind of film starts O?I?? 25d Indolent man is holding many up ???E 24d India turned really greedy ???D...
7ac DESERT TWO LEAVE earlier G??? 8d Vehicle having a lot to do with final omission ??S- is it BUS ? 17d Main course (ample portion) S?A- is it SPA? 18d Little women lacked impact H?T- HIT? thanks...
2ac Highest standard number P???????T
19d A man lies to a couple about ??A??
18d Gas in a neighbourhood stadium ??E??
12ac sheep milk, by the sound of it Ewes ?