1D Pragmatic claimer about to grab sleuth ?????I??? 2D Fraction of Beethovens Pastoral to link in ?????E?? 9D Wine cocktails served from 2 to 1 ???I???????S? 13D Order work for Spielberg ???????O? 4D...
7ac Name for a fabric ?E??? 10ac Mysteries of sweep with a tailless horse ?R???? 11ac Grabbing roller, it aint about to be a nuisance ????T??? 12 ac Shifted blame for dollar exchange ?A????/???/??C?...
Diabolical wordsearch- down to last 2- think it would be easy to find- one should be left over. I am left with Transfer Requests & West Bromwich Albion. Has anyone done this yet ? Doing my eyes in !!...
14 D vandalise old car under river containing sulphur ???E????? 20ac opera piece or ring revamped ??????/?G?? 9D TV host to pay for whiner to be removed ?????/??N???? 7D Crime series needs yank for...
Can anyone place the following words logically into a chain:
Has to start with Fall so:-
Stuck on a few... 15ac Understood to be a non starter at town racecourse ?E?B?R? 20ac Girl shields very big son from frederick ?A???R???A 24ac Tip goes in by being flexible ?E??? 5D Listen to top dog...
Page 14- I have messed up the puzzle- does anyone kindly have the answer. Its not really a puzzle I can post as its a clockwise word spiral. The answer should be a car manufacturer- 11 letters (not...
15ac Embodiment of almost heroic volume ???T??? 21 ac Paper dye held by graduate ???I?? 13D Old City copper should open film ???R???U? 3D Laundress might sprinkle hot stuff (7,7) ???????/??S???D...
7ac drink interrupted by year of mawkishness ???U? 11ac TV presenter with rigid back, sadly affected (4,4) ??S?/>>L> 14ac one lop-eared nipper turns out to be very tidy (2,5-3,5) ??/?P???-??E/?????...
last few...
A movie about students , say ??L?
17ac Old article- wood, we hear A??I??E
26ac He wrote a gothic novel to shout about S?????Y
18d leftover earth expression ??o??
thanks in advance...
7ac Top play ending poorly A????
8ac Europeans in and around El Salvador D>>>N
13ac Legislator driven round a state ??N???R
25ac "Ravine" lines fed to a bloke ????L
11ac Vegetable that's out of this world R????? 16ac Explorer (not american) to love TV detective ?O????? 5d Thieving knight in whirling carousel ?????N??? 6d Seaside town with additional curve? Not...
Page 30 honeycomb puzzle. I have completed the puzzle & the letters reading round the hexagon clockwise are
I cannot see a word that makes sense.......
A few Im stuck on
8ac Keen to keep African party from cause for complaint ?R?E?????
11ac continue hearing set of bells C?R?????
24ac odd turnip they overused ?R?t?
thank you...