I cannot get a word to fit so i assume I have made an error. 136 Booming voice S??N??RIAN so assumed answer was STENTORIAN 137 is Contradicts ??P?G?S so I assumed IMPUGNS The "I" from impugns fits... ...
Can anyone confirm if there has been an error with the Big Monday Crossword I have 36ac Metrical foot consisting of two short syllables between two long ones, chiefly used in classical verse as...
...In a greengrocery display the lemons are between the grapes and the oranges. Apples are placed immediately after the oranges. The bananas are at the far end. The grapes are between the melons and...
Anyone know who picture 8 is in love it magazine issue 650 page 18, name the baldies. I always seem to get stuck on one picture. I’ve googled bald / black actors but not found this one. Thanking you...
Last few, 3d departure times in accurate itinerary E?I? (Is it exit?) 5d Plant pruned very slowly initially M?S? 20d Date somewhat attractive one ?I?H 21d Money left in restaurants as tips ?I?A thanks...
20 down path so damaged by alkaline solid p?t???
17 down say again about returning gun ?e?e???r
26 across projection also included somewhere to play ??n?p??
many thanks in advance...
6. ACCORDING TO A RECENT ITV POLL WHAT IS THE NATION'S FAVOURITE dISNEY SONG & it isnt Let it go from Frozen 7. Which two contestants from the latest series of "Im a celebrity ..." are planning to...
Does anyone have a copy of this week's issue and know who the Celebrity Big Brother winner in picture 2 is? I can't decide if it's Bez's big mouth or not.