the only words i know are
i love you when you call (rptd)
but you never call at all
can anyone help with song title and artist
many thanks and a happy christmas
help When were childrens party bags first started and when were balloons invented. Part-2 what did Victorian children have at their tea parties. My grandson aged 5 has this as his homework subject....
my daughter and family are emigrating soon. I am giving a farewell party and would like some suggestions for a farewell/goodbye songs to finish the party. Must be good lyrics and very tuneful. this an...
How can I block spam e-mails I gets lots of banking scam e-mails and other offering sexual services some explicit I would to block this type Yahoo sort into spam box but I would like to block them...
does anybody know how long the bridges of westminster (green) and lambeth (red) have been painted these colours . Thereby replicating the colours of the house of commons and lords respectively. Whose...
I have 2 Rogers d.a.b radios. They keep going off station after about 10-20 minutes. .Station read out says n/a , I then have to tune to another station on the presets and switch back to the original...
Just bought a record by the above singer, NEW VINTAGE. He leaves Jamie Cullen behind for quality and diction. this record is highly recommended. Has anybody else got this record and what is your...
can anybody tell me the windsors family name before windsor/mountbatten somebody once told me it used be "guelph" and that is why in a lot of old hospitals wards named guelph is this correct and when...
this is a commercial rpt commercial radio station in the london area on the dab network it is the only commercial station i have heard that does not have commercials on it can anybody tell me why this...