Has anyone recently bought a mini trampoline or rebounder with a safety bar please? Or, has anyone used one minus a bar but simply held on to the back of a chair instead - is this successful? Am...
Two clues I can't answer - any help please? Circumstances [7] c..t... An internal office phone to which calls can be put through from the switchboard [9] ...e.s.o. Many thanks.
Can anyone help me with 24 a please - with an explanation! First woman to get into the foreign embankment? .e.e. Guess the middle bit must be .eve. but not sure what to fit round it. Many thanks.
Does anyone know where, preferably in / near the London area , there are any freestanding gas cookers with high level grills on display please? I believe there are only 4 makes to choose from -...
Can anyone please help me with my last three? 2d uninspired walker [10] .e.e.t.i.n 11a device needed when a mutterer moves round piano [3, 7] e.r .r.m.e. 14d associate with union, pass over [9]...
Am I the only thicko this week who can't solve the TV anagram?!!! Letters I have are RUESRSPOTM and they should reveal a TV programme. Many thanks in advance for any help.
I did ask this question before but haven't got an answer as yet. Re 19a - Billy chasing sweep Can anyone please explain to this thicko how they get the answer of saucepan? Many thanks.
Can anyone tell me where I can buy Candle Drips [after asking around, I have just discovered the correct term!] which are large enough to fit over the new energy saving candle bulbs? I bought candle...
Just a couple left which I'm really stuck on: 6d more promising when top's off tree (5) .s.e. 15a beginning to think motive leads to crime (7) .r.a.o. Many thanks for your help.
For some reason, my search option is not working so I thought all the RT Xworders had either completed on their own or gone away! Have just searched manually and found a few Q&As but, as time has...
Has anyone completed the recent Kuoni xword please? If yes, have you solved the travel themed anagram? I've got SSNHJTO - but all I can make out of this is St Johns. Many thanks.
As RT12 is now out and I can't finish RT11, thought I'd ask all the bright sparks out there to help me!! Only two I can't do but I can't even begin to think of an answer for either of them: 23A -...
Can anyone recommend a London based firm who could transfer vinyl to CD please? I do not have a pc at home and would prefer a London based firm so I could personally deliver / collect without having...
Can anyone recommend a London based firm who would transfer vinyl to cd please? I do not have a pc at home so unable to do it myself. Would prefer London based so I could personally deliver and...
Has anyone read this book please? If yes, could they possibly tell me the christian name of the father - Dr Pickles? It's the final question in a competition and, although I've glanced through the...
Can anyone recommend/suggest how I can sell my fairly large vinyl record collection other than via Ebay? I've looked on the web and found several firms - mainly overseas - who will buy LPs but the...