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Correct way of communicating on the Internet [10]. I've got N--I-U-T-E but can't find any words to fit so think I may have gone wrong. Can anyone think of an answer please?
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Is there anyone else who no longer receives an email telling me that I have an answer? This was a really useful service.
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AB Editor
Dear Q&Per's, Are these rules satisfactory: Asking a Question: 1. Before you ask a question please skim through questions already posted, or use the search function provided. The information you...
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I think I must have gone wrong somewhere - unable to finish a corner. 6a Arab land to orally rattle monk [9] - I've got .h.i.h... 3d - Country with black Shakespearean heroine [7] got ...i.i. Can...
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Hope someone out there can possibly help me! My sister and I each have a Nokia 3120 mobile phone - but the batteries are no longer holding their charge. I went to buy new ones and was told that our...
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Does anyone know whether Malroy in Dudley still exist? I am trying to replace a very lightweight 2 wheeled Hadlum shopping trolley. I've discovered that Malroy took over Hadlum a few years back but...
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Can anyone help me with the anagram please? It is the name of a TV programme. Hope I've got the correct letters. LHTYSOICB Many thanks.
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someone has given 1a as amiss. Can you please tell me what 1d is - NZ + Australia [ 9 letters ] now starting with A. I had Downunder! Many thanks.
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Does anyone know if it is possible to still buy washers for bath supataps please? I've looked on the web but all I can find is people asking similar questions! Many thanks.
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At the weekend, I discovered 20+ what look like giant tadpoles in my pond - black and 2-3" long. Can anyone tell me what they are, where they have come from and are they good or bad to have in a pond...
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For the last couple of weeks, I have been unable to use the search site feature on answerbank. I presume I have lost a setting somehow - unless there is a problem with the site itself. It is very...
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Can anyone help with my last two please: Unguis [4] n..l Smoothly and easily [4, 9] l..e.l..l..r. Many thanks in advance!
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This is third question in a series of six questions, running for 6 weeks, in a comp to win a library of books from from the Penguin book site and I am stuck. The question is: What is the Mysterious...
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Can anyone help me solve this riddle please? "My first is in sugar and also in sweet, My second's a legume, tasty to eat, My third is myself, my fourth's an old chick, My fifth's in an apple and also...
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Does anyone know why Matthew Kelly's son is called Matthew Rixon?
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Can anyone help me with last week's anagram please? I've got: isllheehcktn - the word is a TV programme. Many thanks in advance. Whilst I'm here, can anyone explain what "searching with just one...
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Having struggled to finish the Xword - I now find that I can't solve the anagram - TV programme - I've got: EHOLLDERNOAD Many thanks for any help!
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Has anyone recently bought a mini trampoline or rebounder with a safety bar please? Or, has anyone used one minus a bar but simply held on to the back of a chair instead - is this successful? Am...
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Two clues I can't answer - any help please? Circumstances [7] c..t... An internal office phone to which calls can be put through from the switchboard [9] ...e.s.o. Many thanks.
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Can anyone please help with my last clue? 17d fluid fish under suspicion [7] .n.l.n. Angling fits in but I don't understand why / how. Many thanks.

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