I'm 32 next saturday and my wife is asking what do i want for your birthday? why is that one of the hardest questions to answer and plz can i have some ideas pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.
Every form of the media projects optimism and positivity from the England camp prior to today's match v Portugal. This is obviously what all of us England fans want to feel, and it appears to be...
Hi all, ive taken up rock climbing and am looking to buy a harness iv been on a few websites but there all about ?50.00 does anyone know anywhere any cheap websites where i can pick one up for about...
what was your favourite television programmes you remember as a kid or teenager, no matter of how good or rubbish they were? the one which sticks in my head was rent-a-ghost.
Hi. ty for all your comments. My partner was already married but seperated. and in ireland you have to wait legally 4 years b4 you can divorce. we are waiting for it to come through. we had planned on...
Hiya, just wanted to know your thoughts on the whole 'love at first sight' thang. Do you believe? The reason why I'm asking, is that a very close friend of mine has met a new beau, she is head...
Hiya, me and my friends have all purchased our own cutsom t-shirts with the face of our friend on to wear at her leaving party this Wednesday night, and we're all meeting up at mine tonight to...