16 ac. On front page a weird mission shortened as pages (10) The answer must be PIANISSIMO (p1 + a + anag. of "mission") but how does "shortened as pages" come out as a musical...
Last one - 19,21 down: "Where one is kept in for ENT observation." (9,6) Must be "DETENTION CENTRE" but apart from the ENTs in the middle, I can't see why. Any thoughts?
19d, 3a Hollywood's behind God-awful ghastly big old film.(5,2,8) Answer must be "Fanny By Gaslight" - anagram of "ghastly big" for last two words, but how does Hollywood's behind...
I've lost the anti-theft security panel for the radio/CD-player in my S-reg Mondeo.The model is 6000CD RDS-EON. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement without paying the £110 my local...
I'm trying to find a source to download "Dr Kaplan's Office" by Bob B Soxx and the Blue Jeans. It was the flipside of "Why Do Lovers Break Each Others' Hearts". Has anyone come...
I'm stuck on the bottom left corner. 20 ac. "Leave card out for fish" -----A--
13 d "Septic tank mostly mentioned in card:no regrets then? A-C-------...
13 ac "Man of authority in relation to woman and bird." Looks like REEVE (re:Eve) but where does the bird come into it? 17 Pansy's love in it - nothing doing? IDLENESS matches the...
5ac Try to get number right away. Looks like it could be Goethe, who was indeed a poet among other things; try = go as in "Have a go." but "ether" isn't a number. Any ideas?
7d. "One with slave boy dropping H in speech" must be ARIZONA, but why? 12a. "A bit of ear from the East is a virus" looks like EBOLA. Is there an ear-part I'm not aware of ? 1a....