1a Bitter, seeing highest honour refused by incredibly courageous leaders(7) ----B-C? Is it Acerbic? I get the ic bit, but not the rest!
Thanks in advance...
Stuck in bottom left hand corner perhaps these two will get me going again? 47a Nasty American stripper introducing false note in country house(5, 6) ----------E 34d Speak with constituent in cubicle...
last 3 18a Men long for vegetable (6) O-A--- 35a Completed territory of 53 with iron fencing -O-E-O-E (53 is america) 3d For this writer articles of one sort and another must be creative(10)...
9a Disreputable yob wasting time and energy behind church(5) ???C?E 18a Fatuous importuners driven from site of Macbeth's castle(5) ??A?E 30a Builders may install its pipes in the loft (5) ??G?N...
Struggling a little with this one, perhaps a couple of clues will get me back on track? 57a An inapproprate Nutcracker? (12)--------M--- 35d Roughly evreyone in queue for mobile service (4,6) CALL...
24a Record one no longer with us who lets his ancestors down?(7) E-I-O-- 19d Change for the worse that makes boy become yob(8) ---E-E-L 23d Adjusted back to the old colour (8) T-I-I-E- Thanks in...
Good Morning
I have for some time now had a vertical read line approx. 4-5" from the left on both my flat screen tvs.
Can anybody help/explain?
Thanks in advance...
stuck on two that I cannot seem to understand! 20a Note acknowledging a bit of a bloomer? Not exclusively (5-3-6,6) BREAD AND BUTTER ?????? 10d Job-related award - a tool I canreassemble outside(12)...