Last 3 26a Collection of stories maybe - but presumably not chick lit?(8) --A-B-O- (YEARBOOK) ? 38a It can be difficult getting through poetry(8) ---VERSE 26d Made journey with string tied round, like...
Last one
43a) Codas of the Roussel symphonies are different (4) E-S-
Is 42d "PREGNANT" ? Parking ruling is full of implications (8).
Thanks in advance...
Last two
31a Legendary prince hard to remove from local area(5) --R-S
31d Gathered centre of piece is covered with metal externally(7) --E-T-D
Many thanks in advance...
Last few 34a Call on archdeacon in church(7) C-N---E 46a Come at the end with a couple of females entering bar on deck(8) T------- 35d Fragments of limestones so cold and hard(11) --O---N---s 47d...
Please put me out of my misery 21a Combination of judge and court in working group(8) J-S-T-O- 40a Alight from boat's bow-take it easy(6) -B-A-E 49a Critical types? They don't ring a bell(8) --O-K-R-...
Last 2
4d Girl needs rest after endless fast climbing (6) N-L-I- (NELLIE?)
43d Got up in the morning when small boy got up (7) A-A-S-D (AMASSED?)
Many thanks in advance...
These small ones always seem to bamboozle me 44a Killer buried in lady's tresses, for example (6) -R-H-D 12d Core of fruit kept in wooden dish(6) T-R-E- (TUREEN?) 46d Forceful officer getting a...