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Good morning everyone - Oh dear, it's hot and it's only going to get worse or so they say .....heading for a couple of 39's next week ....sitting in the icebox for me !! Ok now for the links - EARL...
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Good morning everyone - cool and overcast again today ....something has happened to Summer !! Not that I'm complaining, its amazing how much I get done when the weather is like this ...come Spring,...
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Good morning all - sunny and mild here for all the cyclists tearing around my neck of the woods and for all the keen souls cheering them on - I'm staying well out of the action till it's all over !!...
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Stuck on 1ac. Bertha's bust? (6). C?L?A?. I can only guess at COLLAR, but don't really see why!
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Good morning everyone - and its a bright sunny one here today and I'm feeling particularly chuffed and you'll all see why shortly. Something happened which has not occurred for quite some little while...
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Does anybody know his condition , I know he was critical around Xmas time?
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Good morning everyone - cool and a little overcast here but it promises to get a whole lot hotter early next week ...oh JOY !!!! I'll be organising the salads so there'll be no hot kitchen for the...
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1. Gradually abolish a hose? Put a twist in it (5.3) 2. Turned to flea recently (2.4) o? l??? 3. "Envoy thrown out!" says Meir (8) ?m?????? 4. protruding twig in big toe ailment (8.3) ???C?I?G ???...
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24 a Freudian technique offered by Liberal club(4,11)??E?,A?S???????? 15a Reckless progress, apparently mirage (8,7) ??T?R???,7 4d Animals only confused,missing love and reversing gender (6) 4th...
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Good morning everyone - good start to the day here with someone taking out a stogie pole just down the road and the power with it, so I've resorted to the iPad which has its uses ..... Sorry about any...
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This is a meaty one!14/20/10.Clue is:Wed years,minds don't meet-fun involved with this cliched 16?Answer is 5 words of 2,4,6,10,2 letters.I have ?Y ?I?E ?????? ?N?E?S???? ?? 16 is state of the...
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5d A dislike of another's drink (3,4,3,2,3)N??,?O??,3,2,3 13a One who yields it is said tree to criminal (8) 11a Tree and rock seen on land (6) ?????E...
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9d Plot associated with vice (8,5) ?R??????,???R? 16d Gun is dismantled for practice (5)...
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Good morning everyone - from a very hot and sticky HQ, where yesterday's temperature hit 44+ and today doesn't look much better !! So while my brain's giving some semblance of working, I'll get this...
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New year's eve tradition WOSIRKFER
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4d Present single drink raised in festive surroundings (7)??????E 5d 'Geezer ' playing bass perhaps (9)...
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Bit of a stinker this week Still 4 to do 49a Desperately want cape lower (8) ????H??? 37d Latin something quoted by continental (not loudly) (5, 5) ?O?T???C?N 42d Left vessel, climbing tree-covered...
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Good morning everyone - have we all recovered from the indulgences of Thursday or are there still mountains of goodies left over, to wade through !! Well after the fun and games last week, we're back...
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23a Turning around sleeping area at home for variation (6) ?I?R?D Thanks in advance...
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'tis the night before Christmas...well the Saturday before which is close as we're going to get this year and the giant Christmas Crossword is upon us ... too bad if the tree is not decked or the...

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