Hi, help appreciated with 22 Across, How monstrous of a Scandinavian to send inappropriate texts (5 letters)
And 17 Down A Professor is a handsome chap (6 letters)
Many thanks...
Hi, I'm stuck on 3 clues so help much appreciated! 41a/117d: but might be any number of women in such a musical set-up? (3-3,4) ONE ? ??band (?) 75a/83d: Make Sam a juror where some stars may be seen...
Hi, stuck with 3 clues and would really appreciate any help! 88 down: perhaps the sade contains a hot bundle S-L-- 118 Across : In this carol, I cut up a small 39 across (fleet) it seems (1,3,5,5) (I,...
Hi, I'm stuck on 16 across in today's Business Post:
An arid, wild plant used when repairing ships (3,4)
Dry Hook ????? Help and explanation appreciated...
Help please! 34 across how monstrous of a Scandinavian to send inappropriate texts t?a?l.....trawl?I just don't understand if that is the answer. Also 11 across : it would take some operation to...
12d &13d Life saving advice following pilates, for example? Following Pilate's example more like! (4,4,4,5) seems to be one square missing though N??W ??h? O?R? H?N?S Thanks in advance. I have the...