Please help! 2d) Care's essential in order to lure in small wary buyers (5,10) 7d) Scatter pellets in centre? It'll keep bugs away (6,9) 5a) Four Chinese comfort little girl (6) Is 5d UNDRESSED (Clue:...
Good evening We stayed in Karlsruhe on Sunday in the Acora hotel on Sophienstrasse When we arrived there was furniture, wrecked and intact, piled up on every street corner with people poking around in...
1d) Carrying out tool in a compound (14)
16d) A person who needs a good argument at work.
22a) Bridges give French nobleman amazing vista outside (8)
Apology for having no letters, Thankyou...
15a The sort of match that has a point N?E??? Is it Needle - If so why match? 20a Son's in genuine trouble but doesn't notice U???E?N? Is is Unseeing ? I ask becuse the S is causing me problems...
I have this quite heavy silver chain with a queens silver jubilee coin on it. It was very tarnished and someone said soak it in bleach,which I did,but I forgot it for a couple of hours and it had gone...
A few stuck on: newspaper crime 5 ??E?? John's at cathedral city ? Not exactly 7 ??o???y small gratuity to complete ministers income 7 ??n?e?? lovers managed to inspire energy and determination 7...
I would appreciate help with these please; 23a) ( 11 )peopel or firms who supply labour and/or labour - - n- r - c -o - 1d) (5) sort of day schools are closed for training i - s - t 23d ) ( 5)...
at present it's hard to know which of them is the victim in this case. If it's JLC, I feel very sorry for him as his life and career will probably never be the same again. He looks truly mortified in...
23a) Smell one inhaled in Titanic disaster e.g. penicillin (10) 29a) Pub owners seen running after bloodsuckers (8) 22d) Unpleasant guy ordered horse (3,3) 13a) Dealers in whisky-making equipment do...