Been struggling for a long time with one clue in the Chidren 1st quiz and can't find the answer on the site or anywhere else. A game or pastime --I---- -I---. Two words and ALL the missing letters are...
Yesterdays mail crossword causing problems, help please 6d Order U-turn concerning education N?R???? (7) and 12a Beside lake, wildebeast rolls over for a breather ???G (4) and 16a Entertain, playing...
In a right muddle. I thought 21a) was triangle,but its obviously not now. Percussion instrument made of granite 50 carried. 8 letters t??????e.
Thanks for any help....
I have a fairly new cut glass vase which has started to go cloudy on the inside although I wash it by hand. What is causing this? Could it be the flower food (from the packets that come attached to...
1. Relating to the features of an area (13) T????????????
2. Exceed the bounds of reason (2,4,3,3) ??????THE?O?
3. Unit of power (10) ????????E?
Many thanks...
stuck on 3 questions 35a) patched up duo in a rush (8) ?e???r?d
67a) love taking charge? make a speech! (5) ??a?e
64d) cotton on stalk (6) ???l?W.thanks...