9D Top Gun - ?a?o???r 14D One colour seen in the mist or on the hearth - ??r???g 14A Knowing direction of migratory route - ??y?a? 19A In the haven get one's own back - ?????e 20A Main board meeting...
6 Down. Otherwise, model felt friend should have final say. 11 Letters. I have: -I--E-E-T-Y. 28 Down. Bargain hunter goes after unusual rags and jumper. 11 Letters. I have : G-A-S------. 45 Across....
2d It's sung finally in dreadful circumstances (5)
3d Wine joint (4) (could this be Dice?)
Last two and cannot fathom them so explantations would be great - thanks in advance...
Brain dead again today, help please:
5a Poets merry staggering around harbour ???m??
10a colourful shrub produces a beer in South Africa ???l??
Thanks in advance...
Just one more left - and the Wordfinder ....
23a garment for Ascot gathering, but remain outside (9) ?a?t?c?e?
and the letters I've got for the WF are:
Many thanks, Chox....
13ac (5) Board, a purported way of contacting the spirit world. (5) (O?i?a)22ac Alternative name for the hyrax. (6) (D?s?i?n) 37ac Loose-sashed Japanese garment. (6) (?i?o?o) 38ac Rude hand gesture....