28a. One mathematical shape of holy symbol ? - I???I?
18d. Space not properly allocated for top bit of structure - ?A?S???E
probably made one or two mistakes !!...
1A Another view of clairvoyance - ?r?o?? ???h? 4D First person to be left out of Windsor organisation dies of suffocation - ????n? 13D Having a hard time with indigestible food - ?o?g???? 24A...
Stuck on these for the £25 answer. 20a Unwavering (9) ?T?????S?. 17d Study (8) ????E???. 26a Mean (7) ?????L? 16a Charity fair (6) ?????R. As you can see I have lots of blanks!! Thanks in...
I have these clues to solve 11 across - .... about criminal receiver and his misdemeanour (7) 16 ACROSS - Laugh at officer being back in job (7) 19. Certify red nose is false (7) 17 down - cause...
The site where my son saw the donkey for sale is called preloved.co.uk. When he first fired up his laptop & said "I've got to show you something mother" - I thought "Eeuuww, no -...
16ac: Come to enjoy an aroma - pay attention! (4,2,3,5,3,6) ???? ?? ??? ???L? ??? ???f?? 2dn: Poor feeder - it was his lookout at Christmas (4,4,9) g??? ??n? ????e???? 8dn: What is to collect leaves,...
2A Boat in the channel reversing - T??
3D Soldiers hit inside Scottish castle - ???m??
11A Lady in some trouble - ??m??e
4D Display sanity concerning a relative - ???s??...
just a few. thanks in advance. 30A - Synthetic fabric O - L O N 75D - Reduce (5, 4) S - - - E - O - N 83A - Kidnap S - A - G - - - 114A - Very exciting 5, 8) S - I - - - I - G - I - - 110D - G - - - T...
I just can't get my head around this today and I am not even sure that the ones I have are correct. So I need a couple of big ones to get me started 6a Problem in school of keeping rabbits _ _ _ _ _ _...
5 Across, High state of girl street urchins given a quarter,(8) G?M?N???
8 Down, One of 22 one might put into tea, (9) ????T?N??
Many Thanks in Advance...
Send round a hint for money for the parson (7) - T - - - - -. One must to it to survive (7) - U - - - V -. He may live for weeks on water (6) - A - - - R. A poor state to be in (6) - - N - - -. Thanks...