All six of us cadets plus the instructor who was renewing his certificate passed our frist aid course. Something to put on the CV plus it gives me lots of points as it was equivilent to doing 3rd, 2nd... In this the 21st century, isn't it now time for all illegal pitching of so called 'Gypsies' caravans to be banned? Why should a certain group of people be... Can anyone please explain why, if any indigenous group wants to stage a protest against the rise of Islam in this country, they are automatically called a...
Has any of the 'find a star' programmes such as xfactor or bgt ever had an already famous singer/entertainer audition pretending not to be themselves and got on or got through or even been rejected as...
Althoug I cannot deny my curiosity I feel dissapinted that the secret is out. Who is at fault here, the Stig himself or the publisher?...
What is your opinion on this guy seeing the kids, is there anything to be gained by it or should he just disappear and leave the boys with their biological father?...
Hearing about something on one of my other threads reminded me of this story, which is probably a myth. An a-level student was in a philosophy (I think it's philosophy but it might be something like...
If you'd been invited to a camping sleepover round your friends house, in their garden, but you didn't have a tent to sleep in, would you sleep in the summerhouse? It's less likely to collapse or blow...
Am sat here twiddling my thumbs, prior to leaving this building for good in 24 hours, and then joining the massed ranks of the unemployed! Does anyone have any suggestons as to things I could do to...
Sorry wasn't sure which topic to put this under. I got some nail varnish on some black joggers, I dabbed it with some nail varnish remover and then washed them its a bitter better but not completely...
1) If I did two exams for a subjects but only got the overall grade, including corsework, can I find out what grades I got on what? 2) How much does it cost to have a paper remarked, and would I have...
I've just been round my nans who was pleased for me. But when I came back home I showed dad the paper so he could see I did kind of get an A*, and he said 'well actually you did egt a proper A*' and i...